Aeration Update: Bull Run will be aerating greens on Monday, March 24th and Tuesday, March 25th.
Bull Run Golf Club online rates are dynamic and adjusted based on demand. Dynamic online rates are not available in the golf shop or over the phone. You will be required to enter a credit card to hold the tee time but you will not be charged and payment is due at the course at the time of check-in.
For tee time reservations, book online or call (703) 753-7777 during business hours. All fees are due upon arrival at the course. Tee times can be reserved up to 7 days in advance. Singles, at course discretion, may be paired with an existing twosome or threesome. Outings are encouraged to call as far in advance as possible, and are allowed to reserve tee times up to 13 months in advance.
Cancellation Policy: At least 24 hours notice must be given to cancel or request changes to your tee time. Please do not send emails requesting tee times, changes, or cancellations. All changes and cancellations should be made promptly by calling the golf shop at (703) 753-7777.
Cart Policy: Due to availability, we cannot guarantee single rider golf carts. Foursomes will be provided two golf carts. Threesomes will be provided two golf carts and may be paired with a single player to share a cart. Single players should be prepared to share a cart or walk the course. If you have concerns riding with another golfer, plexiglass dividers are available upon request. We also have pushcarts available on a first-come-first-served basis.
If your desired tee time at Bull Run is booked, click here to search available times at our RGM sister clubs (Raspberry Falls, Bull Run, Old Hickory, Augustine, and Virginia Golf Center).